

This sweater has been driving me crazy, definitely in the plans for a d.i.y.
Despite the fact, that summer is right around the corner, I would still wear this for cool nights or when the a.c. is on blast. Expect to see my version of this sweater really soon. 


Say WHAT!!!!

Free Earrings at Renee Love and Co. Check it out!!!!

These Beautiful earrings are free with any purchase over $30. By the way did you notice the new background for the earrings, I love it, what do you think, let me know :)


Changes are coming!!!

So I've been a bit M.I.A lately and every time I get the feeling to update the blog, I let work get in the way. So just to let you know I'm here, just been really busy with the shop and working on new ideas and items.

So a few new things in store, first a new blog layout, I will be trying a new layout soon and will be working on a few kinks here and there, for the next couple of weeks. Next, I will probably be adding a ton of new items to the shop, so there will be photos for that coming really soon. Also I will be starting on my clutch bags again, I'm so looking forward to that, I have so many ideas. Last thing, I will be on the blog more as soon as everything is settled, I plan on making an appearance here and there, showing off a bit of my style :)

So til next time *Renee*